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IBL Center Technology for Lawyers Series: Prof. Rishab Nithyanand on "A.I. and Big Data in the Advertising Ecosystem" Professor Rishab Nithyanand of the UI Dept. of Computer Science will present on "A.I. and Big Data in the Advertising Ecosystem."  Advertisers increasingly rely on online behavioral advertising, such as displaying individually targeted ads abased on users' online behavior.  Between 2008 and 2018, spending on behaviorally targeted ads in the US increased from $775 million to $47 billion.  While behavioral advertising has become the holy grail of online advertisers, its effectiveness relies on the quantity and quality of data available about an individual.  As a direct consequence, respect for user privacy has taken a back seat to profit margins, and user data has become the currency of the Internet.  Data harvesting and selling are now the primary monetization method for many online businesses.  This talk will highlight how AI has produced this revolution in online advertising and the subsequent erosion of user privacy.  Lunch will be available.  The presentation runs in BLB 245 from 12:40-1:40 with a Q&A session to follow.
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