• Free legal advice for students! Have a legal question? Contact student legal services for an appointment! G115 Iowa Memorial Union | 319-335-3276 | student-legal@uiowa.edu
  • YOU MATTER HERE. Crisis Line | 844-461-5420. Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Mentalhealth.uiowa.edu
  • Download the Recreational Services App Today! Google Play or Apple App Store.
  • University Counseling Service. Loss and disappointment touch us all. You are not along. We are here for you. Call today: (319) 335-7294. IOWA | University Counseling Service. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to utilize these services. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to utilize these services, please contact University Counseling Service in advance at 335-7294. counseling.uiowa.edu Facebook/Instagram: @Uiowaucs Twitter: @uiowacounseling
  • Free Wellness Coaching. Work one-on-one with a Student Wellness staff member to overcome barriers and achieve your health and well-being goals! Fitness | Nutrition | Sleep | Stress Management | Time Management | and more! Learn more and make an appointment at: studentwellness.uiowa.edu/wellness-coaching
  • Keep Hawkeyes Healthy. Please consider wearing a face mask. Social distance when space allows. Wash your hands frequently. Stay home if you're sick. coronavirus.uiowa.edu.
  • Have you ever had to... Skip meals due to lack of money? Goat a loan to afford to feed? Go hungry to afford textbooks? If you answered 'YES' to any of these questions, visit dos.uiowa.edu/meal-share
  • Our Community Cares. Report: Sexual Misconduct | Harassment | Bias | Discrimination DIVERSITY.UIOWA.EDU/REPORT
  • Grateful Hawks. Take time to share your gratitude today! Find resources and information at: mentalhealth.uiowa.edu/grateful-hawks
  • Now Enrolling Diabetes Prevention Program National Diabetes Prevention Program CDC For more information and to register, visit: hr.uiowa.edu/livewell/lifestyles
  • Need to add adventure to your class schedule? Sign up for a class with Lifetime Leisure Skills. Camping, Canoeing, Cycling, Kickboxing, Team Building, Trail Running, and more! Learn more at: recserv.uiowa.edu/lls
  • 24/7 UI Support and Crisis Line 844-461-5420
  • Apply to the Prsident's Leadership Class by Friday, March 22
  • Call the UI Support and Crisis Line at any time. 844-461-5420