Athlete Study

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Neuromuscular Control Study Are you a former female collegiate athlete with a regular menstrual cycle? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a study investigating the effects of menstrual cycle on females' movement. The study requires 3 visits to our motor control laboratory. The visits will occur during specific phases of your menstrual cycle. You will be asked to perform a single-leg squatting task, a balance task, a task to train your reflexes, and a cognitive assessment. You will also be asked to provide a blood sample. You will be compensated up to $300 for completion of all study visits. While individuals with disabilities are encourage to attend all University of Iowa events, you must meet our eligibility criteria to participate in this study. You may be eligible to participate if you are a female with a regular menstrual cycle (~21-35 days in length) who formerly competed in collegiate athletics (finished competing in Fall 2019 or after). You will not be eligible if you have a history of leg su
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Sunday, October 31, 2021 - 23:59
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